"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgivinig one another, even as God in Christ forgave you."


May 28, 2009

Our Dog Charley

My husband and I have been wanting a dog for months. At the time we were searching we lived in an apartment, so we thought a small dog would be best. One that didn't need too big a space to run around on, a puppy that needed a nice home so it wouldn't be left out on the street. Then we met Charley, he's the complete opposite to everything we had planned for. But then God works in wonderful ways!! We found Charley among many animals that are at our local shelter. After a long talk and a night of prayer we adopted him. I was nervous at first to have him. He was bigger than I was hoping for, he was already two years old, and he would not stop jumping and pulling us forward as we walked him to the car. Charley was full of energy that I didn't think we could handle. Two months later we're so much in love with him. He's content playing ball with himself, just as long as were watching. He'll run around the back yard carrying his ball with excitement. My favorite thing about him is thats he's our dog and notices us like parents. Please if your able, adopt. There are so many things that are good about saving an innocent animal. Our blessing of having Charley is a perfect example.

1 comment:

  1. YAAYY!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your new blog! welcome to the blogging world! It's a wonderful way to keep up with those around and not around you! :) I love you sister!
